Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Thanks AMC Cinemas!

In my post about The Lovely Bones I told you that I complained about the temperature of the screen that we were sat in to the manager via email. Well guess what? We got free tickets to a showing of our choice! :D

Thanks AMC Cinemas!

I once complained about a KitKat that had no biscuit wafer in it and I got a cheque for £3 from Nestle. haha.

Have you ever complained about something and got free things? :)


Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Marina & the Diamonds

Me and my flatmate Jack went to see Marina & the Diamonds at The Deaf Institute in Manchester last night. It was a sold out gig but we luckily managed to get our hands on some tickets by hanging around the entrance selling our souls.

It was such an amazing and intimate gig. Definitely worth the extortionate price that we paid to get in. Here are some pics from the night:

Me copying Jack's silly posing.

She has the most amazing voice live. It was such a good performance even though she admitted to being 'very hungover'. You couldn't tell one bit :)

'Obsessions' is probably my favourite song along with 'Seventeen.' I'm so glad that I got to see her at this point in her career, as this is most likely the last gig she'll do with such a small capacity. She's already sold out Manchester Academy in May and that's literally a hundred times bigger venue than this one.

After the gig had finished we managed to catch up with some of the supporting musicians.

That's the drummer and the bass player. And then I got a bit embarrassed because Jack wouldn't stop taking bloody photos and tried to get them to tell him their last names so he could add them on Facebook.

It was one of those nights that you think is going to be an absolute failure but turns out to be pretty amazing. I love Manchester.


*Oh and Kate yes I am wearing your necklace remind me to return it to you when I'm next home! :)

Sunday, 21 February 2010

The Lovely Bones

I went to see The Lovely Bones at the AMC cinema last night. Me and my flatmates decided to go to the late showing of 11:40pm. That's one thing to tick off my 'Things to do before I Die' list. It was really weird walking to the cinema when people were on their night out dressed in the skimpiest of clothing.

I read the novel The Lovely Bones about five years ago, so I'd pretty much forgotten most of the storyline apart from the main bits that were shown in the trailer. And I probably won't be able to tell you how true to the book it is because it's been so long since I've read it.

But overall it was pretty disappointing. It hasn't got great reviews and a few people told me not to go see it, but I wanted to try it for myself. As stubborn as I am.

There was nothing amazing about it and the story just plodded along to its finish. The scenes in Susie's 'inbetween place' had really stunning computer graphics but its context had no real insight into death and the afterlife. It just didn't say much. The actor who plays Mr Harvey did a great job though; I was thoroughly creeped out many times. The cinematography of it was also lovely, it had a nice retro feel with all of the yellow hues and 70s fashion. There were a few tense moments which grabbed my attention but other than that I found my mind wandering.

2 stars out of 5

Also, the screen that we were sat in was absolutely freezing! We were all sat wrapped in our coats and scarves along with the rest of the people in there. I'm going to write a very strong worded email and hopefully get some free cinema tickets! I love complaining and getting free stuff :)

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