Two words: A. Mazing.
This was my first ballet, so I was a bit hesitant; I thought that I would be waiting for someone to speak all of the time, but that wasn't the case. I kind of got lost in it all, as cliché as it sounds...
I've always found that there's a stigma attached to ballet or the theatre by young people. It's seen as being a bit pretentious or pompous, but I'd definitely prefer to see a play than watch the same regurgitated rom-com Hollywood has been producing lately. Although I do quite want to see Remember Me. Anyway...
Matthew Bourne's Swan Lake is a contemporary interpretation, and he chose to have male swans instead of the traditional female ones. Thank. you. Matthew Bourne. Male ballet dancers are just beautiful, and the two leads (Sam Archer and Jonathan Ollivier) were pretty breathtaking to watch (body-wise and dance ability). Ollivier is married though, dammit. I would have hung around the stage door for hours after the performance if I wasn't with my mum...
Parts of the performance were quite comedic, which I didn't expect. But it was a contemporary version after all, so why not? Why shouldn't we laugh at a ballet?
It ended with a spectacular finale, but it was a bit of a tear-jerker!
5 stars out of 5
I was sat there in total awe for most of the performance.
It's next showing in Athens, but then comes back to the UK in September for Norwich, Wimbledon, Leicester, and finally Glasgow. Go see it!
I went to see this at Christmas time and thought it was amazing! I love Matthew Bourne's's so creative and contemporary. I recommend you see CarMan, I loved that as well :)
wow, this really seems interesting. i would love to see it, someday:D it sounds so amazing.
ReplyDeleteoh, and i also wanna see Remember me. they said it's really good. Lemme know if its good once you see it:D
will now be following you. follow me too?
I saw this when it was in London too, and it is so good. I cried alot! haha. x
ReplyDeletenice blog!
I want to see Remember me too!
I am now following you, follow me too yah?
thank u.
I bet this was amazing :) You lucky lady! have a great easter too lovely xx
ReplyDeleteI've actually never watched a ballet before. I'd love to one day. I see you're reading old Dorian Gray...riveting stuff! Gatsby on the other hand...not so much.
ReplyDeleteLove your blog!
hey! :D
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come check it out in my blog!
Congrats, I gave you an award! Check it out
I saw this at Sadlers Wells in London, and it was so different than anything I expected! Marvelous, though...and lovely to look at! :p I was walking down the street in London once when the. most. gorgeous. man. I. have. ever. seen. came up and started chatting with me; turned out he was an American ballet dancer with the Scottish ballet company in London. gahhh. he was gorgeous.
ReplyDeletelovely blog, by the way! I'll be a new follower! xx
Thank you for the comment and follow! :)
ReplyDeleteI was standing on the pavement in front of a pub near my flat at the time and he walked up to ask me a question about the street and started chatting to me. I was going to try to get his number but then he told me that his ballet troupe was leaving the UK the next morning, soooo nope.
Still, though, he was pretty to look at!