Sunday, 11 April 2010

Barter Books

I went up to Northumberland for a few days to stay with my friend and her family in a little holiday cottage that they had rented for Easter, and we went to Barter Books.

Barter Books is one of the largest second hand bookshops in England, and it used to be a train station, so it is pretty mahooosive.

It has lots of lovely old books, and plenty of fairly new paperbacks as well. My idea of heaven.

You can bring in some of your old books with which to 'barter' with, so you can buy new ones. My friend's family brought in 3 big bags full of books, so they let me pick some books for myself and technically have them for free. Yay.

Barter Books is also home of the 'Keep Calm and Carry On' poster, which they found in a book they bought in auction in 2000. So, I am now the proud owner of a Keep Calm and Carry On mug :)

I love tea :)

Have you ever been to any nice second hand bookshops? Did you have a lovely Easter?

First two images from Google


  1. i LOVE barter books & spent a sunny sunday there a few weeks ago. what did you get? X

  2. Wow this looks amazing! Jealous :D x

  3. I love second hand book shops, you always find such gems, unfortunately not had enough time lately to look through properly! This one sounds great though!

    PS: I'm totally your 50th follower! woo!

  4. Sounds great!
    Amazing blog

  5. I love used book stores. Lovely blog.
    nicole visiting from

  6. I have never been to a proper big second hand bookstore, but this actually looks amazing! Makes me want to get lost in a corner somewhere with a big cup of hot chocolate and a pile of books :) thanks for the lovely comment on my tattoo post! xx

  7. This place looks amazing :)
    We don't have any second hand book shops round where I live although the church has a book sale on a saturday.

    I do love the smell of a good book :)


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