Below are some of my favourite books from my teenage years. I may do a separate post on some of my favourite children's / young adult books. Unfortunately I gave away all my 'Angus, Thongs and...' books. What a loon.
Rifling through old photographs, gig set lists and scribbled notes that we used to pass to each other under the desks in science class, I came across my old diaries. These definitely made for an interesting read. I almost wanted to give my past self a hug, but then there were points where I was thinking JUST PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER, EMMA, FOR GOD'S SAKE.
And from there we have, Things I'd Tell My Teenage Self:
1. Don't worry, your boobs WILL grow and people will stop asking you why you don't have any. You're a late bloomer, okay. But even if they didn't grow past an A cup, that would be okay too, because there are plenty of kickass women who don't have a DD cup. You'll realise that boobs are no longer a big deal.
2. Sorry kid, but those spots are not going anywhere. Despite all the prescriptions, face washes and cleansing routines, those bastards are going to set up camp on your face for the next six years. Don't worry too much, we manage ok and there's make up and adults are definitely less mean.
3. Those girls are not your friends. Stop taking shit from them. They're only saying/doing those things because they're jealous or have problems of their own. Your teachers were right.
4. Stop tying up your self worth with attention from boys. Just because some guy doesn't like you, it doesn't mean you should spiral into self pity. Plus, most of the time they're just as clueless as you when it comes to the whole 'dating' thing. (Although it did feel pretty great when that guy from the year above said he liked you too, right? BEST DAY EVER)
5. Don't be so afraid of everything and try not to care too much about what people think. You'll definitely regret the things you didn't do, more than the things you did do. Even those that didn't turn out so well.
6. Stop being so embarrassed by your parents.
7. I know everyone says this, but don't be in such a rush to grow up. Yes you gain a lot of freedom, but there's a lot of rubbish that comes with it that balances it out. Don't feel pressured into anything that makes you feel really uncomfortable. You have a right to say no and you don't owe anybody anything.
8. Oh my god, do not wish for curves. They will come and then you will hate them as much as you hated your 'ironing board' body. But it'll get better and you'll eventually learn to stop hating your body (as much). It is more than an object to be looked at. Remember that.
9. DO NOT dye your hair black.
10. There are plenty of exciting and amazing opportunities ahead. Everything is going to be fine.