Monday, 15 April 2013

Time to Play Catch-up

Once again weeks go by between blog posts. Oh well, I think I've resigned myself to the fact that I'll always be an 'intermittent blogger'. My Twitter bio has never been so apt.

Anyway, I thought I'd do a little catch-up post as those are always nice to read and provide a bit of light relief from the usual heavy stuff I write about, like shoes. Ha.

A couple of weeks ago I went back home for the Easter break to see my family and a friend who had just got back from doing a ski season in Italy (not even jealous...). It was really nice catching up and visiting the usual haunts from my late teenage years. Although it sometimes feels as if nothing has changed in my tiny town which is both comforting and a bit odd. I'm sure lots of students/grads feel this way too? Anyhow, lots of fun and merriment was had by all. Unfortunately I had already eaten all of the Easter chocolate my boyfriend's mum had kindly given to me, as I thought it was better to ration it out before Easter than to eat it all on one day. Backwards logic. Not to worry though, my dad plied me with chocolate desserts all weekend instead. Win, win.

Roller derby is going well, although I'm still waiting for that day where everything 'clicks' and I become super amazing. It can be a bit disheartening when you see people who started at the same time as you, progress so much quicker than you are. Prepared for a lot of hard work in the coming months! My amazing leggings collection is quickly expanding. I wore some leopard print ones to BLM's (Bet Lynch Mob - note the Manchester/Coronation Street pun) first scrimmage against Furness Firecrackers yesterday. Big up to the Firecrackers who beat us by 14 points - it was such a close match and I can't wait for the next game when BLM come together stronger than ever.

I find that once you start playing team sports, you tend to slip into cheesy pep talk speak and motivational mottos, so apologies for that.

I also went to see The Lion King for the second time, but this time I wasn't on my own as it was a birthday present for my boyfriend. It was just as good as the second time around, although Zahzu had a very strange Scottish accent. The opening scene is my favourite part in the entire show, it's just so awesome in the truest sense of the word. There's so much to take in (just realised that that's a line in the song), but it is truly amazing. I can understand how it's been running for so long.

In other news, me and Courtney have finally started painting the flat! I've got another post coming up that goes into more detail, but boy am I glad we've just got some basic DIY to do and it's not a massive 'do-er up-er'!

Until next time.


  1. My mum confessed to me last week that she was off to see the Lion King in October. I got excited thinking she was taking me with her. She then told me that she hadn't bothered to book me a ticket because she 'didn't know where I would be in October'. I gave her my harshest look, missed opportunity once more. Also just googled roller derbying in interest - wow girl you are brave, I could not do that. Used to think of myself as a nice little skater as well but no way would I subject myself to bruises willingly! (: xx

    1. Oh no! Perhaps you should buy some tickets as a little present to yourself?

      Haha, thanks! I started doing it to get a little more feisty but it can look a bit brutal! I do have lots of bruises now, but it doesn't hurt that much with all the pads on! Adrenaline definitely saves you! x


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